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Kirk Cameron--Supreme Asshole

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:45 pm
by Doug
Kirk Cameron, best known for his role in the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains, now spends much of his time advocating for far-right Christian evangelical causes.

In a video posted recently to YouTube, Cameron lays out a plan to subvert 'Darwin Day' on November 22, 2009 -- a date marking the 150th anniversary of the publishing of Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species." Cameron says that he and like-minded activists plan to deliver 50,000 copies of an altered version of Darwin's book to students at dozens of U.S. universities.

Cameron explains that this "very special" edition of the "Origin of Species" will include an introduction explaining "Adolf Hitler's undeniable connection" to the theory of evolution, and highlighting "Darwin's racism" and "his disdain for women." Cameron's edition also exposes the "many hoaxes" of evolutionary theory, while presenting a "balanced view of Creationism." (There's a pdf of this introduction here..)

See the video of his evil plot at: Huffington Post There's also a YouTube rebuttal/roast at the link.

The creationist "Special Introduction" to Origin of Species includes the "DNA Argument," which compares the likelihood of DNA appearing all of a sudden by accident to the words in Origin of Species falling out of the sky and appearing in sequence to create the book. It also talks about Antony Flew, the senile atheist philosopher to converted to deism.