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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:38 pm
by Dardedar
Wolfowitz "Tried to Censor World Bank on Climate Change"

The Independent UK's Andrew Gumbel says, "The Bush administration has
consistently thwarted efforts by the World Bank to include global
warming in its calculations when considering whether to approve major
investments in industry and infrastructure, according to documents made public through a watchdog yesterday."

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:21 pm
by Dardedar
Bush Administration Spent $1.6 Billion to Spin the News

Christopher Lee, of The Washington Post, writes: "How much is good press worth? To the Bush administration, about $1.6 billion. That's how much seven federal departments spent from 2003 through the second quarter of 2005 on 343 contracts with public relations firms, advertising agencies, media organizations and individuals, according to a new Government Accountability Office report. The 154-page report provides the most comprehensive look to date at the scope of federal spending in an area that generated substantial controversy last year."


Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:03 pm
by Dardedar
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Republican Culture of Corruption: 2007 So Far

Does it seem like there's a new Republican scandal in the news every single week? Well, that may be because there is:

January 23, 2007: Republican radio personality Scott Eller Cortelyou of Denver arrested on suspicion of using the Internet to lure a child into a sexual relationship

January 29, 2007: Republican former Jefferson County, Colorado, Treasurer Mark Paschall indicted on two felony charges "in connection with an allegation that Paschall solicited a kickback from a bonus he awarded one of his employees"

January 31, 2007: Republican Congressman Gary Miller is named by Republicans as ranking member of oversight subcommittee of House Financial Services Committee despite the FBI's investigation into his land deals


Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:11 am
by Dardedar
Bush - Katrina All the Time


Two years ago, Americans watched in horror as a great city drowned, and wondered what had happened to their country. Where was FEMA? Where was the National Guard? Why wasn’t the government of the world’s richest, most powerful nation coming to the aid of its own citizens?

The levees were breached Monday morning — but as late as Thursday evening, New Orleans “still had no visible government presence,” while “corpses lay out in the open among wailing babies and other refugees.”

Meanwhile, federal officials were oblivious. “We are extremely pleased with the response to this terrible tragedy,” declared Michael Chertoff, the secretary for Homeland Security, on Wednesday. When asked the next day about the situation at the convention center, he dismissed the reports as “a rumor” or “someone’s anecdotal version.”

Paul Krugman

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:23 am
by Dardedar
Religion Briefs Coalition of nuns calls for impeaching Bush and Cheney

“The National Coalition of American Nuns is impelled by conscience to call you to act promptly to impeach President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for … high crimes and misdemeanors,” the group wrote in a letter written on behalf of its board members.

The letter says that impeachment is warranted for their “deceiving the public under the false pretense that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction” and “destroying” the reputation of the United States and the good will of other nations.

“The time for impeachment is now — before the example of George W. Bush’s regime is set in stone,” they wrote. “Future generations will thank you for preserving the freedom of our nation and its relation to the entire human community.”


Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:41 pm
by LaWood
NEW DEMO BUMPER STICK IS HERE. Created by users according to Carville.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:03 am
by Dardedar
Here it is:


Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:49 pm
by Dardedar
"A New York Times/CBS News Poll out Monday reflected the key role played by Petraeus as the public face of a war which has now killed more than 3,700 US soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians.

When asked to choose who could best end the war in Iraq, 68 percent of those polled said they most trusted military commanders, 21 percent said Congress, and a measly five percent said the Bush administration."


Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:01 am
by Dardedar

Another $200 million for Catholic pedophilia

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:10 am
by Dardedar
Catholics - another sex check - $198M



The Diocese of San Diego agreed Friday to pay nearly $200 million to 144 people who were sexually abused by clergy members, the second-largest payment since the U.S. abuse erupted five years ago.

The $198.1 million agreement capped more than four years of negotiations in state and federal courts and came six months after the diocese filed for bankruptcy protection and just hours before the first
of 42 lawsuits was scheduled for trial.

Victims expressed relief that a settlement was reached — but also anger that it took so long.

"They knew all along that I'd been molested, so to put me through this is unconscionable," said Michael Berger of Atlanta. Insurance will pay about $75 million.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:23 am
by Dardedar
Former CIA intelligence officer Larry Johnson, regarding the Blackwater mercenary firm being banned from Iraq for spraying bullets all over and killing lots of civilians:

"Depending on whether the Blackwater security firm stays in Iraq will inform us whether Prime Minister Maliki has any power or is just a U.S. puppet. My money is on the puppet."

He continues... "one problem with their eviction?"

"The Iraqi government has zero power to enforce a decision to oust a firm like Blackwater. For starters, Blackwater has a bigger air force and more armored vehicles then the Iraqi Army and police put together."

Oops, this just in:

"The Interior Ministry said Monday it had permanently revoked Blackwater's license and would order its 1,000 personnel to leave the country. The following day the government rolled back, suggesting the firm's operations were only suspended pending completion of a joint U.S.-Iraqi investigation."

Associate Press

Puppet wins.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:54 pm
by Dardedar

U.S. Military Cemetery Runs Out Of Space For Dead Soldiers

A Kansas military cemetery has run out of space after the burial of another casualty of the Iraq war, officials said on Thursday.

“We are full,” said Alison Kohler, spokeswoman for the Fort Riley U.S. Army post, home of the 1st Infantry Division.

U.S. Sens. Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts, both Kansas Republicans, on Thursday sent a letter to William Tuerk, the under secretary for memorial affairs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, urging for full funding for a new cemetery for Fort Riley.

“While a new cemetery would not be completed in time to alleviate this situation immediately, it is vitally important,” Roberts and Brownback, a Republican presidential candidate, said in their letter.


Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:49 am
by Dardedar
I forgot about this clip. Some time ago Bush was asked about the legal status of the private mercenary contractors like Blackwater. His answer:


Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:18 pm
by Dardedar
Cost of the Iraq war by state.


Appropriated so far: $4.3 billion

New: $1.4 billion

New Total: $5.7 billion

California: $77 billion

Texas: $50 billion

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:41 pm
by Dardedar
House Republicans in the Red

A crucial GOP fundraising committee is nearly broke, according to its latest monthly filing with the FEC.
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) reported $1.6 million in cash on hand and
$4 million in debts as of Aug. 31. The group helps bankroll House campaigns for GOP candidates.
Its counterpart, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, reported $22.1 million,
more than 10 times its Republican counterpart.


Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:13 pm
by Dardedar
Chorus of Bush Advisers Seek Iran War

Ros Taylor, of The Guardian UK, reports, "John Bolton, the former US
ambassador to the United Nations, told Tory delegates today that efforts
by the UK and the EU to negotiate with Iran had failed and that he saw
no alternative to a pre-emptive strike on suspected nuclear facilities
in the country." Sarah Baxter reports for The Times UK: "One of the
founding fathers of neoconservatism has privately urged President George W
Bush to bomb Iran rather than allow it to acquire nuclear weapons."
Simon Walters reports for The Daily Mail UK: "British MPs visiting the
Pentagon to discuss America's stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be
told by one of President Bush's senior ... officials: 'I hate all


Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:17 am
by LaWood
Gingrich, who said that there is an 80 percent chance that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) would be the next president, said that her Republican opponent would only be able to beat her on the issues and not by attacking her.

“I think trying to beat Senator Clinton personally is just insane,” the former speaker said. “Everybody in America who’s ever going to vote against Senator Clinton knows everything that anyone’s going to tell them. And everybody in America who’s going to vote for her knows everything you could possible tell them. This is over.”
The Hill, Sept 30, 2007 by Klaus Marre

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:38 am
by Dardedar
I really laughed when George Stfanopulous "outed" Gingrich on this. When George said that Gingrich said this before the show, Gingrich said yes, but "I'm not saying that publically."

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:23 pm
by Dardedar
Wesley Clark wants Rush Limbaugh to get the boot on Armed Forces radio.
Last week, Rush Limbaugh labeled any American soldier who supports an end to the war in Iraq as “phony.” We challenged Limbaugh through an email campaign to invite’s Jon Soltz to his show and repeat these same insults to an Iraq war veteran’s face. Over 10,000 people responded and emailed Rush — but to our disappointment, he has refused to respond to our request.

It’s time to put real pressure on Rush Limbaugh. His show is broadcast on Armed Forces Radio, and this time we are going to go straight to the lifeblood of Rush’s show — Congress. Congress has the power to remove Rush Limbaugh from Armed Forces Radio, and it won’t be as easy for elected officials to ignore our call…
Click here to hold Rush Limbaugh accountable for his offensive and outrageous comments — tell your members of Congress to take Rush off Armed Forces Radio today!

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:39 pm
by Barbara Fitzpatrick
I emailed them - told them I didn't want my tax dollars paying for Rush insulting the troops.